class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Basic data manipulation ## Lecture 3 ###
Louis SIRUGUE ### CPES 2 - Fall 2022 --- <style> .left-column {width: 65%;} .right-column {width: 31%;} </style> <style type="text/css"> body{background-color:black;filter:invert(1)} </style> ### Quick reminder #### 1. Distributions * The **distribution** of a variable documents all its possible values and how frequent they are -- <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" width="95%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- <p style = "margin-bottom:-1cm;"> * We can describe a distribution with: --- ### Quick reminder #### 1. Distributions * The **distribution** of a variable documents all its possible values and how frequent they are <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" width="95%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <p style = "margin-bottom:-1cm;"> * We can describe a distribution with: * Its **central tendency** --- ### Quick reminder #### 1. Distributions * The **distribution** of a variable documents all its possible values and how frequent they are <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" width="95%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <p style = "margin-bottom:-1cm;"> * We can describe a distribution with: * Its **central tendency** * And its **spread** --- ### Quick reminder #### 2. Central tendency -- .pull-left[ * The **mean** is the sum of all values divided by the number of observations `$$\bar{x} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^Nx_i$$` ] -- .pull-right[ * The **median** is the value that divides the (sorted) distribution into two groups of equal size `$$\text{Med}(x) = \begin{cases} x[\frac{N+1}{2}] & \text{if } N \text{ is odd}\\ \frac{x[\frac{N}{2}]+x[\frac{N}{2}+1]}{2} & \text{if } N \text{ is even} \end{cases}$$` ] -- #### 3. Spread -- .pull-left[ * The **standard deviation** is square root of the average squared deviation from the mean `$$\text{SD}(x) = \sqrt{\text{Var}(x)} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^N(x_i-\bar{x})^2}$$` ] -- .pull-right[ <p style = "margin-bottom:-5.5cm;"></p> * The **interquartile range** is the difference between the maximum and the minimum value from the middle half of the distribution <p style = "margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> $$\text{IQR} = Q_3 - Q_1 $$ ] --- ### Quick reminder #### 4. Inference <ul> <li>In Statistics, we view variables as a given realization of a <b>data generating process</b></li> <ul> <li>Hence, the <b>mean</b> is what we call an <b>empirical moment</b>, which is an <b>estimation</b>...</li> <li>... of the <b>expected value</b>, the <b>theoretical moment</b> of the DGP we're interested in</li> </ul> </ul> -- <ul> <li>To know how confident we can be in this estimation, we need to compute a <b>confidence interval</b></li> </ul> `$$[\bar{x} - t_{n-1, \:97.5\%}\times\frac{\text{SD}(x)}{\sqrt{n}}; \:\bar{x} + t_{n-1, \:97.5\%}\times\frac{\text{SD}(x)}{\sqrt{n}}]$$` -- <ul> <ul> <li>It gets <b>larger</b> as the <b>variance</b> of the distribution of \(x\) increases</li> <li>And gets <b>smaller</b> as the <b>sample size</b> \(n\) increases</li> </ul> </ul> -- <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" width="95%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: inverse, hide-logo ### Warm up practice #### 1) Import the `ligue1.csv` dataset and store it in an object called `fb` -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1.5cm;"></p> #### 2) Create a subset of this dataset containing only matches that took place at 13h -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1.5cm;"></p> #### 3) Print the number of matches in this subset and compute the average attendance -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1.5cm;"></p> #### 4) Redo the same exercise on matches that took place at 20h45 -- <p style = "margin-bottom:3cm;"></p> <center><h3><i>You've got 5 minutes!</i></h3></center>
--- class: inverse, hide-logo ### Solution #### 1) Import the `ligue1.csv` dataset and store it in an object called `fb` -- ```r fb <- read.csv("C:/User/Documents/ligue1.csv", encoding = "UTF-8") ``` -- #### 2) Create a subset of this dataset containing only matches that took place at 13h -- ```r sub13 <- fb[fb$Time == "13:00", ] ``` -- #### 3) Print the number of matches in this subset and compute the average attendance -- ```r nrow(sub13) ``` ``` ## [1] 32 ``` -- ```r mean(sub13$Attendance) ``` ``` ## [1] NA ``` --- class: inverse, hide-logo ### Solution <ul> <li>When there are <b>missing values</b> in a vector, the <b>mean</b> function returns <b>NA</b></li> <ul> <li>We need to set the <b>na.rm</b> option to <b>TRUE</b></li> </ul> </ul> -- #### 3) Print the number of matches in this subset and compute the average attendance ```r mean(sub13$Attendance, na.rm = T) ``` ``` ## [1] 19038 ``` -- #### 4) Redo the same exercise on matches that took place at 20h45 -- ```r sub2045 <- fb[fb$Time == "20:45", ] nrow(sub2045) ``` ``` ## [1] 29 ``` ```r mean(sub2045$Attendance, na.rm = T) ``` ``` ## [1] 36418.64 ``` --- <h3>Today we learn how to manipulate data</h3> <p style = "margin-bottom:3cm;"></p> .pull-left[ <ul style = "margin-left:1.5cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>1. The dplyr package</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>1.1. Packages</li> <li>1.2. Basic functions</li> <li>1.3. group_by() and summarise()</li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:2.25cm;"></p> <ul style = "margin-left:1.5cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>2. Merge and reshape</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>2.1. Merge and append data</li> <li>2.2. Reshape data</li> </ul> </ul> ] .pull-right[ <ul style = "margin-left:-1cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>3. A few words on learning R</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>3.1. When it doesn't work the way you want</li> <li>3.2. Where to find help</li> <li>3.3. When it doesn't work at all</li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:2.25cm;"></p> <ul style = "margin-left:-1cm;list-style: none"><li><b>4. Wrap up!</b></li></ul> ] --- <h3>Today we learn how to manipulate data</h3> <p style = "margin-bottom:3cm;"></p> .pull-left[ <ul style = "margin-left:1.5cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>1. The dplyr package</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>1.1. Packages</li> <li>1.2. Basic functions</li> <li>1.3. group_by() and summarise()</li> </ul> </ul> ] --- ### 1. The `dplyr` package #### 1.1. Packages <ul> <li>So far we only used functions that are directly available in R</li> <ul> <li>But there are tons of <b>user-created functions</b> out there that can make your life so much easier</li> <li>These functions are shared in what we call <b>packages</b></li> </ul> </ul> -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> <ul> <li>Packages are <b>bundles of functions</b> that R users put at the disposal of other R users</li> <ul> <li>Packages are <b>centralized</b> on the <a href = "">Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)</a></li> <li>To <b>download</b> and install a CRAN package you can simply use <b>install.packages()</b></li> </ul> </ul> -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> <ul> <li>All the functions of the dplyr grammar are gathered in the <b>dplyr package</b></li> <ul> <li>We can download these functions and make them ready to use with the install.packages() function</li> </ul> </ul> -- ```r install.packages("dplyr") # Requires an internet connection ``` -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> <ul> <li>The tidyverse package is <b>now installed</b> on your computer</li> <ul> <li>You won't have to do it again</li> </ul> </ul> --- ### 1. The `dplyr` package #### 1.1. Packages * The `dplyr` package is now <b>on your computer</b>, but it is <b>not loaded in R</b> -- ```r ls("package:dplyr") ``` ``` ## Error in as.environment(pos): no item called "package:dplyr" on the search list ``` <p style = "margin-bottom:1.25cm;"></p> <ul> <li>You need to use the <b>library()</b> command to load it</li> </ul> -- ```r library(dplyr) ls("package:dplyr")[1:5] ``` ``` ## [1] "%>%" "across" "add_count" "add_count_" "add_row" ``` -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1.25cm;"></p> <ul> <li>But even though the package is permanently installed, it is <b>loaded only for your current session</b></li> <ul> <li>Each time you start a <b>new R session</b>, you'll have to load the packages you need with <b>library()</b></li> </ul> </ul> --- ### 1. The `dplyr` package #### 1.2. Basic functions `dplyr` is a **grammar** of data manipulation providing very **user-friendly functions** to handle the most common **data manipulation** tasks: -- * `mutate()`: add/modify variables * `select()`: keep/drop variables (columns) * `filter()`: keep/drop observations (rows) * `arrange()`: sort rows according to the values of given variable(s) * `summarise()`: aggregate the data into descriptive statistics -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> <img src = "pipe.png" width = "180"/> -- <p style = "margin-bottom:-5cm;"></p> <ul style = "margin-left:6cm;"> <li>A very handy <b>operator</b> to use with the <b>dplyr</b> grammar is the <b>pipe %>%</b></li> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:-.25cm;"> <ul style = "margin-left:6cm;"> <ul> <li>You can basically read <b>a %>% b()</b> as <i>"apply function b() to object a"</i></li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:-.25cm;"> <ul style = "margin-left:6cm;"> <ul> <li>With this operator you can easily <b>chain the operations</b> you apply to an object</li> </ul> </ul> --- ### 1. The `dplyr` package #### 1.2. Basic functions ```r fb # # # # # # ``` ```text ## Wk Day Date Time Home xG Score xG.1 Away Attendance ... ## 1 1 Fri 2021-08-06 21:00 Monaco 2.0 1–1 0.3 Nantes 7500 ... ## 2 1 Sat 2021-08-07 17:00 Lyon 1.4 1–1 0.8 Brest 29018 ... ## 3 1 Sat 2021-08-07 21:00 Troyes 0.8 1–2 1.2 Paris S-G 15248 ... ## 4 1 Sun 2021-08-08 13:00 Rennes 0.6 1–1 2.0 Lens 22567 ... ## 5 1 Sun 2021-08-08 15:00 Bordeaux 0.7 0–2 3.3 Clermont Foot 18748 ... ## 6 1 Sun 2021-08-08 15:00 Strasbourg 0.4 0–2 0.9 Angers 23250 ... ## 7 1 Sun 2021-08-08 15:00 Nice 0.8 0–0 0.2 Reims 18030 ... ## 8 1 Sun 2021-08-08 15:00 Saint-Étienne 2.1 1–1 1.3 Lorient 20461 ... ## 9 1 Sun 2021-08-08 17:00 Metz 0.7 3–3 1.4 Lille 15551 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ``` --- ### 1. The `dplyr` package #### 1.2. Basic functions ```r fb %>% select(Home, xG, Score, xG.1, Away) # Keep/drop certain columns # # # # # ``` ```text ## Home xG Score xG.1 Away ## 1 Monaco 2.0 1–1 0.3 Nantes ## 2 Lyon 1.4 1–1 0.8 Brest ## 3 Troyes 0.8 1–2 1.2 Paris S-G ## 4 Rennes 0.6 1–1 2.0 Lens ## 5 Bordeaux 0.7 0–2 3.3 Clermont Foot ## 6 Strasbourg 0.4 0–2 0.9 Angers ## 7 Nice 0.8 0–0 0.2 Reims ## 8 Saint-Étienne 2.1 1–1 1.3 Lorient ## 9 Metz 0.7 3–3 1.4 Lille ... ... ... ... ... ... ``` --- ### 1. The `dplyr` package #### 1.2. Basic functions ```r fb %>% select(Home, xG, Score, xG.1, Away) %>% # Keep/drop certain columns mutate(home_winner = xG > xG.1) # Create a new variable # # # # ``` ```text ## Home xG Score xG.1 Away home_winner ## 1 Monaco 2.0 1–1 0.3 Nantes TRUE ## 2 Lyon 1.4 1–1 0.8 Brest TRUE ## 3 Troyes 0.8 1–2 1.2 Paris S-G FALSE ## 4 Rennes 0.6 1–1 2.0 Lens FALSE ## 5 Bordeaux 0.7 0–2 3.3 Clermont Foot FALSE ## 6 Strasbourg 0.4 0–2 0.9 Angers FALSE ## 7 Nice 0.8 0–0 0.2 Reims TRUE ## 8 Saint-Étienne 2.1 1–1 1.3 Lorient TRUE ## 9 Metz 0.7 3–3 1.4 Lille FALSE ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ``` --- ### 1. The `dplyr` package #### 1.2. Basic functions ```r fb %>% select(Home, xG, Score, xG.1, Away) %>% # Keep/drop certain columns mutate(home_winner = xG > xG.1) %>% # Create a new variable filter(Home == "Rennes") # Keep/drop certain rows # # # ``` ```text ## Home xG Score xG.1 Away home_winner ## 1 Rennes 0.6 1–1 2.0 Lens FALSE ## 2 Rennes 0.9 1–0 0.5 Nantes TRUE ## 3 Rennes 1.0 0–2 0.5 Reims TRUE ## 4 Rennes 2.4 6–0 0.3 Clermont Foot TRUE ## 5 Rennes 0.8 2–0 1.4 Paris S-G FALSE ## 6 Rennes 1.5 1–0 0.6 Strasbourg TRUE ## 7 Rennes 3.8 4–1 1.1 Lyon TRUE ## 8 Rennes 3.1 2–0 0.7 Montpellier TRUE ## 9 Rennes 0.8 1–2 0.6 Lille TRUE ... ... ... ... ... ... ``` --- ### 1. The `dplyr` package #### 1.2. Basic functions ```r fb %>% select(Home, xG, Score, xG.1, Away) %>% # Keep/drop certain columns mutate(home_winner = xG > xG.1) %>% # Create a new variable filter(Home == "Rennes") %>% # Keep/drop certain rows arrange(-xG) # Sort rows # # ``` ```text ## Home xG Score xG.1 Away home_winner ## 1 Rennes 3.8 4–1 1.1 Lyon TRUE ## 2 Rennes 3.3 6–0 0.4 Bordeaux TRUE ## 3 Rennes 3.3 6–1 0.9 Metz TRUE ## 4 Rennes 3.1 2–0 0.7 Montpellier TRUE ## 5 Rennes 2.7 2–0 0.3 Brest TRUE ## 6 Rennes 2.6 4–1 0.4 Troyes TRUE ## 7 Rennes 2.4 6–0 0.3 Clermont Foot TRUE ## 8 Rennes 1.9 2–3 2.9 Monaco FALSE ## 9 Rennes 1.7 2–0 0.3 Angers TRUE ... ... ... ... ... ... ``` --- ### 1. The `dplyr` package #### 1.2. Basic functions ```r fb %>% select(Home, xG, Score, xG.1, Away) %>% # Keep/drop certain columns mutate(home_winner = xG > xG.1) %>% # Create a new variable filter(Home == "Rennes") %>% # Keep/drop certain rows arrange(-xG) %>% # Sort rows summarise(expected_wins = mean(home_winner), # Aggregate into statistics expected_goals = sum(xG)) # ``` ``` ## expected_wins expected_goals ## 1 0.8421053 36.6 ``` --- ### 1. The `dplyr` package #### 1.2. Basic functions * Here are two very **handy functions** to use within `mutate()` <p style = "margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> -- .pull-left[ <center><b>ifelse</b></center> ```r fb %>% select(Home, Attendance) %>% mutate(att_bin = ifelse(Attendance > 10000, "Large", "Low") ) %>% head() ``` ``` ## Home Attendance att_bin ## 1 Monaco 7500 Low ## 2 Lyon 29018 Large ## 3 Troyes 15248 Large ## 4 Rennes 22567 Large ## 5 Bordeaux 18748 Large ## 6 Strasbourg 23250 Large ``` ] -- .pull-right[ <center><b>case_when</b></center> ```r fb %>% select(Home, xG, xG.1, Away) %>% mutate(xWin = case_when(xG > xG.1 ~ "Home", xG == xG.1 ~ "Draw", xG < xG.1 ~ "Away") ) %>% head() ``` ``` ## Home xG xG.1 Away xWin ## 1 Monaco 2.0 0.3 Nantes Home ## 2 Lyon 1.4 0.8 Brest Home ## 3 Troyes 0.8 1.2 Paris S-G Away ## 4 Rennes 0.6 2.0 Lens Away ## 5 Bordeaux 0.7 3.3 Clermont Foot Away ## 6 Strasbourg 0.4 0.9 Angers Away ``` ] --- ### 1. The `dplyr` package #### 1.3. group_by() and summarise() * With `group_by()` you can perform **computations separately** for the different **categories of a variable** -- .pull-left[ ```r fb %>% select(Wk, Home, xG) %>% mutate(all.xG = mean(xG)) %>% head(10) ``` ``` ## Wk Home xG all.xG ## 1 1 Monaco 2.0 1.473421 ## 2 1 Lyon 1.4 1.473421 ## 3 1 Troyes 0.8 1.473421 ## 4 1 Rennes 0.6 1.473421 ## 5 1 Bordeaux 0.7 1.473421 ## 6 1 Strasbourg 0.4 1.473421 ## 7 1 Nice 0.8 1.473421 ## 8 1 Saint-Étienne 2.1 1.473421 ## 9 1 Metz 0.7 1.473421 ## 10 1 Montpellier 0.5 1.473421 ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```r fb %>% select(Wk, Home, xG) %>% * group_by(Home) %>% mutate(home.xG = mean(xG)) %>% head(6) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 x 4 ## # Groups: Home [6] ## Wk Home xG home.xG ## <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 Monaco 2 1.69 ## 2 1 Lyon 1.4 2.07 ## 3 1 Troyes 0.8 1.21 ## 4 1 Rennes 0.6 1.93 ## 5 1 Bordeaux 0.7 1.23 ## 6 1 Strasbourg 0.4 1.73 ``` ] --- ### 1. The `dplyr` package #### 1.3. group_by() and summarise() <ul> <li>It is particularly <b>useful with summarise()</b></li> <ul> <li>summarise keeps the grouping variable</li> <li>and computes <b>statistics for each category</b></li> </ul> </ul> -- .pull-left[ ```r fb %>% group_by(Wk) %>% summarise(n = n(), tot_xG = sum(xG)+sum(xG.1), avg_WG = tot_xG/n) %>% head(4) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4 x 4 ## Wk n tot_xG avg_WG ## <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 10 23.4 2.34 ## 2 2 10 26.6 2.66 ## 3 3 10 25.7 2.57 ## 4 4 10 30.4 3.04 ``` ] -- .pull-right[ <p style = "margin-top:-6.3em"></p> <center><b>mutate() \(\neq\) summarise()</b></center> <ul> <li><b>mutate()</b> takes an operation that converts:</li> <ul> <li><b>A vector into another vector</b></li> </ul> <li><b>summarise()</b> takes an operation that converts:</li> <ul> <li><b>A vector into a value</b></li> </ul> </ul> ] -- .pull-right[ <p style = "margin-top:-15.5em"></p> <center><b>Ungrouping</b></center> <ul> <li><b>group_by()</b> applies to all subsequent operations</li> <li>To cancel its effect you must <b>ungroup()</b> the data</li> </ul> ```r fb %>% group_by(Wk) %>% mutate(test = mean(xG)) %>% * ungroup() %>% ... ``` ] --- class: inverse, hide-logo ### Practice #### 1) Start from the `fb` dataset and keep only the variables `Home`, `Score` and `Away` -- #### 2) Use the `separate()` function from `tidyr` to split the `Score` variable into `home_score` and `away_score` ```r data.frame(x = "a_b") %>% separate(x, c("x", "y"), "_") ``` ``` ## x y ## 1 a b ``` -- #### 3) Convert these two variables into numeric vectors -- #### 4) Create a variable named `winner` that takes the values `Home`, `Draw` and `Away` depending on the score -- #### 5) Use `group_by()` and `summarise() `to compute the percentage of draws, home wins and away wins -- <center><h3><i>You've got 10 minutes!</i></h3></center>
--- class: inverse, hide-logo ### Solution #### 1) Start from the `fb` dataset and keep only the variables `Home`, `Score` and `Away` -- ```r fb %>% * select(Home, Score, Away) %>% head(2) ``` -- ``` ## Home Score Away ## 1 Monaco 1-1 Nantes ## 2 Lyon 1-1 Brest ``` -- #### 2) Use the `separate()` function from `tidyr` to split the `Score` variable into `home_score` and `away_score` -- ```r fb %>% select(Home, Score, Away) %>% * separate(Score, c("home_score", "away_score"), "-") %>% head(2) ``` -- ``` ## Home home_score away_score Away ## 1 Monaco 1 1 Nantes ## 2 Lyon 1 1 Brest ``` --- class: inverse, hide-logo ### Solution #### 3) Convert these two variables into numeric vectors #### 4) Create a variable named `winner` that takes the values `Home`, `Draw` and `Away` depending on the score -- ```r fb %>% select(Home, Score, Away) %>% separate(Score, c("home_score", "away_score"), "-") %>% * mutate(home_score = as.numeric(home_score), * away_score = as.numeric(away_score), * winner = case_when(home_score < away_score ~ "Away", * home_score == away_score ~ "Draw", * home_score > away_score ~ "Home")) %>% head() ``` -- ``` ## Home home_score away_score Away winner ## 1 Monaco 1 1 Nantes Draw ## 2 Lyon 1 1 Brest Draw ## 3 Troyes 1 2 Paris S-G Away ## 4 Rennes 1 1 Lens Draw ## 5 Bordeaux 0 2 Clermont Foot Away ## 6 Strasbourg 0 2 Angers Away ``` --- class: inverse, hide-logo ### Solution #### 5) Use `group_by()` and `summarise() `to compute the percentage of draws, home wins and away wins -- ```r fb %>% select(Home, Score, Away) %>% separate(Score, c("home_score", "away_score"), "-") %>% mutate(home_score = as.numeric(home_score), away_score = as.numeric(away_score), winner = case_when(home_score < away_score ~ "Away", home_score == away_score ~ "Draw", home_score > away_score ~ "Home")) %>% * group_by(winner) %>% * summarise(pct = 100 * (n() / nrow(fb))) ``` -- ``` ## # A tibble: 3 x 2 ## winner pct ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Away 30.5 ## 2 Draw 26.8 ## 3 Home 42.6 ``` --- <h3>Overview</h3> <p style = "margin-bottom:3cm;"></p> .pull-left[ <ul style = "margin-left:1.5cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>1. The dplyr package ✔</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>1.1. Packages</li> <li>1.2. Basic functions</li> <li>1.3. group_by() and summarise()</li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:2.25cm;"></p> <ul style = "margin-left:1.5cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>2. Merge and reshape</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>2.1. Merge and append data</li> <li>2.2. Reshape data</li> </ul> </ul> ] .pull-right[ <ul style = "margin-left:-1cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>3. A few words on learning R</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>3.1. When it doesn't work the way you want</li> <li>3.2. Where to find help</li> <li>3.3. When it doesn't work at all</li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:2.25cm;"></p> <ul style = "margin-left:-1cm;list-style: none"><li><b>4. Wrap up!</b></li></ul> ] --- <h3>Overview</h3> <p style = "margin-bottom:3cm;"></p> .pull-left[ <ul style = "margin-left:1.5cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>1. The dplyr package ✔</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>1.1. Packages</li> <li>1.2. Basic functions</li> <li>1.3. group_by() and summarise()</li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:2.25cm;"></p> <ul style = "margin-left:1.5cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>2. Merge and reshape</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>2.1. Merge and append data</li> <li>2.2. Reshape data</li> </ul> </ul> ] --- ### 2. Merge and reshape #### 2.1. Merge and append data <ul> <li>Research projects often imply to <b>combine data</b> from different sources</li> <ul> <li>Either to <b>add observations</b> (append rows)</li> <li>Either to <b>add variables</b> (merge columns)</li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:1.25cm;"></p> <center><img src = "schema1.png"/></center> --- ### 2. Merge and reshape #### 2.1. Merge and append data <ul> <li>Research projects often imply to <b>combine data</b> from different sources</li> <ul> <li>Either to <b>add observations</b> (append rows)</li> <li>Either to <b>add variables</b> (merge columns)</li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:1.25cm;"></p> <center><img src = "schema2.png"/></center> --- ### 2. Merge and reshape #### 2.1. Merge and append data <ul> <li>Research projects often imply to <b>combine data</b> from different sources</li> <ul> <li>Either to <b>add observations</b> (append rows)</li> <li>Either to <b>add variables</b> (merge columns)</li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:1.25cm;"></p> <center><img src = "schema3.png"/></center> --- ### 2. Merge and reshape #### 2.1. Merge and append data: The `bind_rows()` function -- .pull-left[ ```r read.csv("attainment_FR_UK_US.csv") ``` ``` ## country year share_tertiary ## 1 FRA 2015 44.68760 ## 2 GBR 2015 49.94341 ## 3 USA 2015 46.51771 ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```r read.csv("attainment_IT_SP.csv") ``` ``` ## country year share_tertiary ## 1 ITA 2015 25.14996 ## 2 ESP 2015 40.95978 ``` ] -- ```r attainment <- read.csv("attainment_FR_UK_US.csv") %>% bind_rows(read.csv("attainment_IT_SP.csv")) attainment ``` ``` ## country year share_tertiary ## 1 FRA 2015 44.68760 ## 2 GBR 2015 49.94341 ## 3 USA 2015 46.51771 ## 4 ITA 2015 25.14996 ## 5 ESP 2015 40.95978 ``` -- .pull-right[ <p style = "margin-bottom:-4cm;"></p> **Variables** in the two datasets should be the same: <p style = "margin-bottom:-.5cm;"></p> * **Same name** * **Same class** ] --- ### 2. Merge and reshape #### 2.1. Merge and append data: `*_join()` functions -- * Join functions all work the same way: * A **dataset A** with a **variable X** and other variables * A **dataset B** with a **variable X** and other variables * X is the common variable, so datasets will be **joined *by* X** -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1.25cm;"></p> <table class="table table-hover table-condensed" style="width: auto !important; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <caption>The 4 main join functions</caption> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> Function </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> For X in A & B </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> For X in A only </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> For X in B only </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> Summary </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> A %>% left_join(B, by = "X") </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Kept </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Kept </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Dropped </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Only keeps what's in A </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> A %>% right_join(B, by = "X") </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Kept </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Dropped </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Kept </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Only keeps what's in B </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> A %>% inner_join(B, by = "X") </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Kept </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Dropped </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Dropped </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Only keeps what's common </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> A %>% full_join(B, by = "X") </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Kept </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Kept </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Kept </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Keeps everything </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> --- ### 2. Merge and reshape <center><h4> ⚠ <i>Beware of NAs!</i> ⚠ </h4></center> <ul> <li>When you have <b>values</b> of X that are <b>not common</b> to both datasets</li> <ul> <li>Any other join than the inner_join() will <b>generate NAs</b></li> </ul> </ul> -- ```r attainment %>% full_join(read.csv("spending.csv"), by = "country") ``` ``` ## country year.x share_tertiary year.y share_gdp ## 1 FRA 2015 44.68760 2015 3.398 ## 2 GBR 2015 49.94341 NA NA ## 3 USA 2015 46.51771 2015 3.207 ## 4 ITA 2015 25.14996 NA NA ## 5 ESP 2015 40.95978 NA NA ## 6 RUS NA NA 2015 1.843 ``` -- * Any variable from `A` (`B`) other than those stated in `by= ` will be `NA` for observations that are only in `B` (`A`) * This holds when a variable that is not mentioned in the `by= ` argument appears in both datasets: * In that case, R adds a data-specific suffix to the names and keeps them both * The variable from `B` (here `year.y`) will be `NA` for observations that are only in `A` only (here `GBR`, `ITA`, `ESP`) --- ### 2. Merge and reshape #### 2.1. Merge and append data: example ```r attainment %>% left_join(read.csv("spending.csv"), by = "country") ``` -- ``` ## country year.x share_tertiary year.y share_gdp ## 1 FRA 2015 44.68760 2015 3.398 ## 2 GBR 2015 49.94341 NA NA ## 3 USA 2015 46.51771 2015 3.207 ## 4 ITA 2015 25.14996 NA NA ## 5 ESP 2015 40.95978 NA NA ``` -- ```r attainment %>% right_join(read.csv("spending.csv"), by = "country") ``` -- ``` ## country year.x share_tertiary year.y share_gdp ## 1 FRA 2015 44.68760 2015 3.398 ## 2 USA 2015 46.51771 2015 3.207 ## 3 RUS NA NA 2015 1.843 ``` -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> <center><h4><i> ➜ What would be the result of an inner_join() here?</i></h4></center> --- ### 2. Merge and reshape #### 2.2. Reshape data <p style = "margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> <ul> <li>It is important to be able to <b>switch from</b> the <b><i>long</i> to</b> the <b><i>wide</i></b> format and conversely</li> <ul> <li>Some computations should be done in one format or the other</li> </ul> </ul> <br> -- .pull-left[ <table class="table table-hover table-condensed" style="width: auto !important; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <caption>Wide format</caption> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> country </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> year </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> share_tertiary </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> share_gdp </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> FRA </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2015 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 44.69 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 3.40 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> USA </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2015 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 46.52 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 3.21 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ] -- .pull-right[ <table class="table table-hover table-condensed" style="width: auto !important; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <caption>Long format</caption> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> country </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> year </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> Variable </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Value </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> FRA </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2015 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> share_tertiary </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 44.69 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> FRA </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2015 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> share_gdp </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 3.40 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> USA </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2015 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> share_tertiary </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 46.52 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> USA </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2015 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> share_gdp </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 3.21 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ] --- ### 2. Merge and reshape #### 2.2. Reshape data: From wide to long with pivot_longer() <p style = "margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> ```r wide <- attainment %>% inner_join(read.csv("spending.csv") %>% select(-year), by = "country") wide ``` -- ``` ## country year share_tertiary share_gdp ## 1 FRA 2015 44.68760 3.398 ## 2 USA 2015 46.51771 3.207 ``` -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1.5cm;"></p> <i> ➜ Pivoting to <b>long format</b> can be seen as putting <b>variables on top of each other</b> rather side to side </i> <p style = "margin-bottom:1.25cm;"></p> -- * We need to indicate: * **Which variables to stack** * The **name of** the variable in which we want the **values** of the stacked variables to be stored * The **name of** the variable that will indicate to which **variable** corresponds each value --- ### 2. Merge and reshape #### 2.2. Reshape data: From wide to long with pivot_longer() <p style = "margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> ```r long <- wide %>% # Which variable to should be stacked pivot_longer(c(share_tertiary, share_gdp), ``` -- <p style = "margin-bottom:-1.01cm;"></p> ```r # Where their values should be stored values_to = "Value", ``` -- <p style = "margin-bottom:-1.01cm;"></p> ```r # Where to store which variable corresponds each value names_to = "Variable") ``` -- <p style = "margin-bottom:-1.01cm;"></p> ```r long ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4 x 4 ## country year Variable Value ## <chr> <int> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 FRA 2015 share_tertiary 44.7 ## 2 FRA 2015 share_gdp 3.40 ## 3 USA 2015 share_tertiary 46.5 ## 4 USA 2015 share_gdp 3.21 ``` --- ### 2. Merge and reshape #### 2.2. Reshape data: From long to wide with pivot_wider() -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> <ul> <li>To <b>pivot in a wide</b> format we need to indicate:</li> <ul> <li><b>Which variable</b> contains <b>values</b> of the variables we want to put side to side</li> <li><b>Which variable</b> indicates which <b>variable</b> correspond to each value</li> </ul> </ul> -- <p style = "margin-bottom:.5cm;"></p> ```r wide <- long %>% # Where the values are pivot_wider(values_from = "Value", ``` -- <p style = "margin-bottom:-1.01cm;"></p> ```r # Where the corresponding variable names are names_from = "Variable") ``` -- <p style = "margin-bottom:-1.01cm;"></p> ```r wide ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 x 4 ## country year share_tertiary share_gdp ## <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 FRA 2015 44.7 3.40 ## 2 USA 2015 46.5 3.21 ``` --- class: inverse, hide-logo ### Practice #### 1) From the `fb` dataset, create a variable `league` equal to `"ligue1"` and a variable `season` equal to `"2021-2022"` and save this new data in an object named `full_fb` -- #### 2) In you will find the rest of the data for the seasons 2019-2020 to 2021-2022 for the league 1, the bundesliga and the premier league. Append all these data to `full_fb`. Make sure to create the variables `league` and `season` in each data set before appending. -- #### 3) Use the `separate` function from `tidyr` to extract the number of goals scored by the home and away team -- #### 4) Convert these variables as numeric and create a variable equal to the sum of the goals from the two teams -- #### 5) Summarise your data into the total number of goals score per league/season -- #### 6) Reshape your data such that you have 1 row per league and 1 column per season -- <center><h3><i>You've got 10 minutes!</i></h3></center>
--- class: inverse, hide-logo ### Solution #### 1) From the `fb` dataset, create a variable `league` equal to `"ligue1"` and a variable `season` equal to `"2021-2022"` and save this new data in an object named `full_fb` -- ```r full_fb <- fb %>% mutate(league = "ligue1", season = "2021-2022") ``` -- #### 2) In you will find the rest of the data for the seasons 2019-2020 to 2021-2022 for the league 1, the bundesliga and the premier league. Append all these data to `full_fb`. Make sure to create the variables `league` and `season` in each data set before appending. -- ```r full_fb <- full_fb %>% bind_rows(read.csv("ligue1_2021.csv") %>% mutate(league = "ligue1", season = "2020-2021")) %>% bind_rows(read.csv("ligue1_1920.csv") %>% mutate(league = "ligue1", season = "2019-2020")) %>% bind_rows(read.csv("preml_2122.csv") %>% mutate(league = "preml", season = "2021-2022")) %>% bind_rows(read.csv("preml_2021.csv") %>% mutate(league = "preml", season = "2020-2021")) %>% bind_rows(read.csv("preml_1920.csv") %>% mutate(league = "preml", season = "2019-2020")) %>% bind_rows(read.csv("bundes_2122.csv") %>% mutate(league = "bundes", season = "2021-2022")) %>% bind_rows(read.csv("bundes_2021.csv") %>% mutate(league = "bundes", season = "2020-2021")) %>% bind_rows(read.csv("bundes_1920.csv") %>% mutate(league = "bundes", season = "2019-2020")) ``` --- class: inverse, hide-logo ### Solution #### 3) Use the `separate` function from `tidyr` to extract the number of goals scored by the home and away team -- ```r full_fb <- full_fb %>% separate(Score, c("home_score", "away_score"), "-") ``` -- #### 4) Convert these variables as numeric and create a variable equal to the sum of the goals from the two teams -- ```r full_fb <- full_fb %>% mutate(home_score = as.numeric(home_score), away_score = as.numeric(away_score), goals = home_score + away_score) ``` -- #### 5) Summarise your data into the total number of goals score per league/season -- ```r full_fb <- full_fb %>% group_by(league, season) %>% summarise(goals = sum(goals)) ``` --- class: inverse, hide-logo ### Solution #### 6) Reshape your data such that you have 1 row per league and 1 column per season -- ```r full_fb %>% pivot_wider(names_from = "season", values_from = "goals") ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 3 x 4 ## # Groups: league [3] ## league `2019-2020` `2020-2021` `2021-2022` ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 bundes 982 928 954 ## 2 ligue1 704 1049 1067 ## 3 preml 1034 1024 1071 ``` --- <h3>Overview</h3> <p style = "margin-bottom:3cm;"></p> .pull-left[ <ul style = "margin-left:1.5cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>1. The dplyr package ✔</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>1.1. Packages</li> <li>1.2. Basic functions</li> <li>1.3. group_by() and summarise()</li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:2.25cm;"></p> <ul style = "margin-left:1.5cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>2. Merge and reshape ✔</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>2.1. Merge and append data</li> <li>2.2. Reshape data</li> </ul> </ul> ] .pull-right[ <ul style = "margin-left:-1cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>3. A few words on learning R</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>3.1. When it doesn't work the way you want</li> <li>3.2. Where to find help</li> <li>3.3. When it doesn't work at all</li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:2.25cm;"></p> <ul style = "margin-left:-1cm;list-style: none"><li><b>4. Wrap up!</b></li></ul> ] --- <h3>Overview</h3> <p style = "margin-bottom:3cm;"></p> .pull-left[ <ul style = "margin-left:1.5cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>1. The dplyr package ✔</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>1.1. Packages</li> <li>1.2. Basic functions</li> <li>1.3. group_by() and summarise()</li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:2.25cm;"></p> <ul style = "margin-left:1.5cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>2. Merge and reshape ✔</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>2.1. Merge and append data</li> <li>2.2. Reshape data</li> </ul> </ul> ] .pull-right[ <ul style = "margin-left:-1cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>3. A few words on learning R</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>3.1. When it doesn't work the way you want</li> <li>3.2. Where to find help</li> <li>3.3. When it doesn't work at all</li> </ul> </ul> ] --- ### 3. A few words on learning R #### 3.1. When it doesn't work the way you want <ul> <li>When things do not work the way you want, <b>NAs are the usual suspects</b></li> <ul> <li>For instance, this is how the mean function reacts to NAs:</li> </ul> </ul> -- ```r mean(c(1, 2, NA)) ``` ``` ## [1] NA ``` -- ```r mean(c(1, 2, NA), na.rm = T) ``` ``` ## [1] 1.5 ``` <p style = "margin-bottom:1.25cm;"></p> -- <ul> <li>You should systematically <b>check for NAs!</b></li> </ul> -- ```r, 2, NA)) ``` ``` ## [1] FALSE FALSE TRUE ``` --- ### 3. A few words on learning R #### 3.1. When it doesn't work the way you want <ul> <li><b>Don't pipe blindfolded!</b></li> <ul> <li><b>Check</b> that each command does what it's expected to do</li> <li>View or print your data <b>at each step</b></li> </ul> </ul> -- ```r fb %>% select(Home, Score, Away) %>% head(1) ``` -- ``` ## Home Score Away ## 1 Monaco 1-1 Nantes ``` -- ```r fb %>% select(Home, Score, Away) %>% separate(Score, c("home_score", "away_score"), "-") %>% head(1) ``` -- ``` ## Home home_score away_score Away ## 1 Monaco 1 1 Nantes ``` --- ### 3. A few words on learning R #### 3.2. Where to find help <ul> <li>Oftentimes things don't work either because:</li> <ul> <li><b>You don't understand</b> a function's argument</li> <li>Or <b>you don't know</b> that there exists an argument that you should use</li> </ul> </ul> -- <ul> <li>This is precisely what <b>help files</b> are made for</li> <ul> <li>Every function has a help file, just enter <b>?</b> and the name of your <b>function</b> in the console</li> <li>The help file will <b>pop up in the Help tab</b> of R studio</li> </ul> </ul> -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> ```r ?paste ``` -- <center> <img src = "paste_help.png"/> </center> --- ### 3. A few words on learning R #### 3.2. Where to find help <ul> <li>Search on the internet!</li> <ul> <li>Your question is for sure already asked and answered on <a href = "">stackoverflow</a></li> </ul> </ul> -- <center> <img src = "ask_google.png" width = 750 /> </center> --- ### 3. A few words on learning R #### 3.3. When it doesn't work at all * Sometimes R breaks and returns an <b>error</b> (usually kind of cryptic) -- ```r read.csv("C:\Users\Documents\R") ``` ``` ## Error: '\U' used without hex digits in character string starting ""C:\U" ``` -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> <ol> <li>Look for <b>keywords</b> that might help you understand where it comes from</li> <li>Paste in on <b>Google</b> with the name of your command</li> </ol> -- <center> <img src = "error.png" width = 750 /> </center> --- <h3>Overview</h3> <p style = "margin-bottom:3cm;"></p> .pull-left[ <ul style = "margin-left:1.5cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>1. The dplyr package ✔</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>1.1. Packages</li> <li>1.2. Basic functions</li> <li>1.3. group_by() and summarise()</li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:2.25cm;"></p> <ul style = "margin-left:1.5cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>2. Merge and reshape ✔</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>2.1. Merge and append data</li> <li>2.2. Reshape data</li> </ul> </ul> ] .pull-right[ <ul style = "margin-left:-1cm;list-style: none"> <li><b>3. A few words on learning R ✔</b></li> <ul style = "list-style: none"> <li>3.1. When it doesn't work the way you want</li> <li>3.2. Where to find help</li> <li>3.3. When it doesn't work at all</li> </ul> </ul> <p style = "margin-bottom:2.25cm;"></p> <ul style = "margin-left:-1cm;list-style: none"><li><b>4. Wrap up!</b></li></ul> ] --- ### 4. Wrap up! #### 1. Packages ```r library(dplyr) ``` -- <p style = "margin-bottom:1.5cm;"></p> #### 2. Main dplyr functions .left-column[ <table class="table table-hover table-condensed" style="width: auto !important; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <caption></caption> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> Function </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> Meaning </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> mutate() </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Modify or create a variable </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> select() </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Keep a subset of variables </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> filter() </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Keep a subset of observations </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> arrange() </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Sort the data </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> group_by() </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Group the data </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> summarise() </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> Summarizes variables into 1 observation per group </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ] -- .right-column[ <img style = "margin-top:0cm; margin-left:1.5cm;" src = "pipe.png" width = "180"/> ] --- ### 4. Wrap up! #### 3. Merge data ```r a <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 3), y = c("a", "b", "c")) b <- data.frame(x = c(4, 5, 6), y = c("d", "e", "f")) c <- data.frame(x = 1:6, z = c("alpha", "bravo", "charlie", "delta", "echo", "foxtrot")) ``` -- ```r a %>% bind_rows(b) %>% left_join(c, by = "x") ``` <table class="table table-hover table-condensed" style="width: auto !important; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <caption></caption> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:right;"> x </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> y </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> z </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> a </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> alpha </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> b </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> bravo </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;"> 3 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> c </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> charlie </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;"> 4 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> d </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> delta </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;"> 5 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> e </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> echo </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right;"> 6 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> f </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> foxtrot </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> --- ### 4. Wrap up! #### 4. Reshape data <table class="table table-hover table-condensed" style="width: auto !important; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <caption></caption> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> country </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> year </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> share_tertiary </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> share_gdp </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> FRA </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2015 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 44.69 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 3.40 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> USA </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2015 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 46.52 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 3.21 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> -- <p style = margin-bottom:1.25cm;"></p> ```r data %>% pivot_longer(c(share_tertiary, share_gdp), names_to = "Variable", values_to = "Value") ``` <p style = margin-bottom:1.25cm;"></p> -- <table class="table table-hover table-condensed" style="width: auto !important; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <caption></caption> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> country </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> year </th> <th style="text-align:left;"> Variable </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Value </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> FRA </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2015 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> share_tertiary </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 44.69 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> FRA </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2015 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> share_gdp </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 3.40 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> USA </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2015 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> share_tertiary </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 46.52 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> USA </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2015 </td> <td style="text-align:left;"> share_gdp </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 3.21 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> --- ### For next time <p style = margin-bottom:4cm;"></p> <center><b><u>Install the R packages needed for Part I of the course:</u></b></center> <p style = margin-bottom:1cm;"></p> <center><b>ggplot2</b></center> <p style = margin-bottom:.15cm;"></p> <center><b>rmarkdown</b></center> <p style = margin-bottom:.15cm;"></p> <center><b>knitr</b></center> <p style = margin-bottom:.15cm;"></p> <center><b>DT</b></center>